Saturday, 23 February 2019



Summary of the article:

  •  This article takes an objective look at the representation of a capitalist society within a dystopian context.

What view of a capitalist ideology is presented in the Hunger Games?

  • Those in power control ideas and resources and that in a capitalist society those in power can use the media to distract the public from severe or corrupt occurrances in the world. 

What do the Hunger Games films suggest about the power of the media to shape and influence ideological beliefs?

  •  The media can adapt and edit things to fit a linear perspective - or one that perpetuates a static ideology that they want to spread. They can change and hide narratives from the public and influence a hegemonic perception of an event, as seen through the use of the Capitol and the revolution.

They Live

Summary of the article

  •  This article discusses the ideas surrounding hegemony and modern influences in society.

What are the four accepted ideological beliefs in western societies highlighted by the article

  •  women should behave in feminine ways
  •  women should look after their appearance
  •  people should work hard for their money
  •  people should put their families first

What does Gramsci's theory on hegemony suggest about power and ideology in society

  •  That social control is elitist yet consensual. It serves an elite social group and the power lies in the hands of the minority however we as consumers are vulnerable to ideological manipulation since it is a subconscious activity. 

What does French theorist Louis Althusser suggest about ideology & consumerism

  •  He suggests that ideology is the greatest material power and dominates our everyday lives through Repressive State Control, such as the government and military who are influenced by the ruling elite and use laws, fear and regulation of social behaviour to influence our ideologies, and Ideological State Apparatuses such as the media or church who use social norms and common sense to communicate acceptance. 

Do you agree with the idea that we are unconsciously controlled by the media which is run in the interests of the economic elite?

  • I partly agree with the idea that we are unconsciously controlled by the media, the media- both traditional and digital mediums are our only insight into global issues and local news. Most media platforms exist for economical benefits and although the provision of information is diverse, the political and social bias is extremely prevalent within specific mediums. From this perspective, it is easy to see that the ideologies and ideas that we consume on an everyday basis are not as balanced as we believe however with the introduction of social media and the lack of regulation on the internet, we can absorb a variety of different ideologies and beliefs and come to our own conclusion as many social media opinion leaders etc. are not doing it for an economic gain but rather a social status. 

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