Friday, 26 April 2019

Advertisement Assessment: Learner's response

Type up your feedback in full

  • Good alternative reading, Some good analysis, and Good argument and well embedded and applied theory. 

Identify at least one potential point that you missed on for each question.

  • Facial Expressions - The female facial expressions connote lust and desire whilst the male's is addressing the audience. 
  • McRobbie's theory is reflected by the female desire, the female sexuality places the power with the women rather than the men. 
  • Statistics on mental health and suicide do genuinely suggest a potential identity crisis in young men, this could be linked to ideals surrounding masculinity/hypermasculinity (CALM placing men on buildings)

On a scale of 1-10, how much revision and preparation did you do for this assessment?

  • 9.

What aspect of technical film language or advertising persuasive techniques do you need to revise to improve your answers in the future?

  • Colour, Camera angles and how to analyse slogans.

What aspects of cultural and historical contexts do you have to revise for the Score Cream advert?

  • Post-colonialism + heterosexual depictions, alternative viewpoints on masculinity in society.

Write a new paragraph, based on theories and including examples and textual references. 

  • David Gauntlett's research analysis of men's magazines suggests that masculinity is changing but the main aspect is that men want to be better in life, and sometimes this idea of 'better' is against the traditional connotations and this is reflected through 'The Boss Life' advert, as it shows a transition from a 'plain', minimalist costume, apt for the modern setting, to a glamorous, gold tinted attire, elevated in almost every way. This has the explicit connotation of being better but also subverts the traditional, family-orientated ideas of success and introduces the new concept of individual success and superficial importance. This appeals to a modern audience [Blumler and Katz] since the audience may have a personal relationship with the social media influencers, Manny Gutierrez and Shayla Mitchell, who starred in the advert. This is a clear gratification and their success is already unconventional for more traditional audience but supports the idea that success for men is no longer routed in traditional masculinity but more personal and individual gratification. 

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