Sunday, 27 January 2019


Everyday Sexism

Why did Laura Bates start the Everyday Sexism project?

  •  Laura Bates started the Everyday Sexism project due ton a recognition of the nonchalant and dismissive attitudes towards sexual assault from society - it occurred after an incident on public transport where a man put his hand on her thigh and everyone turned a blind eye when she vocalised it. 

How does the Everyday Sexism project link to concept of post-feminism? Is feminism needed in western society?

  •  It links to the idea of post-feminism as people argue that we are now in a Utopian state of equality which simply is not the case, supported by Bates' project - 'Everyday sexism' is ignored and dismissed and ultimately adds to the disparity of gender within societal views and ideologies. Feminism is still required in a western society as incidents, sexual assault and the treatment of women is socially expected to be dismissed or covered up instead of called out and fought against. Women have to feel the negative emotions concerning assault and this is not equality in the slightest. 

Why was new technology essential to the success of the Everyday Sexism project?

  •  Digital media allowed Everyday Sexism to reach a global scale and brought awareness through social media campaigns etc. It allowed stories to be shared and ultimately catapulted the success rates through digital magazines etc.

Will there be a point in the future where the Everyday Sexism project is not required? What is your POV?

  •  I believe that Everyday Sexism will always have relevance within our society. The plethora of different ideologies and prevalence of bigotry within our society does not hold much optimism for a future where every girls story is immediately believed or where men can call out vulgar words from their cars and faces consequences. As someone who has experienced many counts of 'Everyday Sexism' I believe that even if the western world experiences progression, it will still be required due to the nonchalant and dismissive reactions concerning sexual crimes within all societies. The idea that it will change - as drastically as it has to, is somewhat of a rose-tinted perspective on the reality.

Media Magazine

What is networked feminism? Why is it a problem?

  •  Networked feminism is tackling social equality issues on, and utilising modern technology. Due to the accelerated speed of networked feminism, the ideologies and causes in which people are fighting can end up being 'left behind' in the eyes of the media.

What are the four waves of feminism? Do you agree that we are in a fourth wave 'networked feminism'?

  •  Suffragette movement, Reproductive rights & Equal pay, Empowerment & reclamation of femininity, use of new technology. I partially agree, i believe we are still in the third wave of feminism just utilising the resources we are provided with in a much more efficient and intellectual manner. 

Write a summary of the following:

Everyday Sexism

  •  Everyday Sexism is a campaign that tackles the dismissive and laxadaisical attitudes towards minor or casual acts of sexism on an everyday basis. Cat-calling, groping on public transport, unwanted comments, sexism in a workplace to name but a few, are approached with a much to relaxed attitude and this campaigns goal is to halt the densitisation within the media and start a progression in which these events are met with an appropriate response.


  •  HeForShe is a campaign that encourages gender solidarity. It asks for men to use their voices to speak up and against ignorance, sexism and for equal rights. It tackles the gender disassociation and asks all genders to partake in standing against negative behaviours and stereotypes that impact all genders such as equal pay, education rights, body image etc. This campaign allows the gender dynamics to be confronted and the disconnection between men  and feminism to be communicated about in a mainstream perspective.  


  •  FCKH8 is a social media campaign which targets sexism, racism and homophobia in the media. It sells merchandise with a social justice motif and talks about the equality issues deeper than gender, it's role is extremely significant in modern day feminism as sexuality rights and the discourse concerning casual homophobia, racism and sexism being a prevalent and ongoing conversation. It's main goal is to 'call-out' the integrated and internalised bigotry within society and create a progressive and tolerant narrative for the future. 

This Girl Can

  •  This Girl Can is a campaign with a main goal of empowerment for females within male dominated industries such as sport. It brings attention to the lack of representation in sport and communicates how sport lacks the barriers that the media, nee society has suggested and implemented through generations. The diverse campaign support and social media presence led to the campaign having a positive, dominating empowering impact on the teenage demographic. 

What is your opinion with regards to feminism and new/digital media? Do you agree with the concept of fourth wave feminism post-2010 or are recent developments such as the Everyday Sexism project merely an extension of the third wave feminism of the 1990s

  • I believe feminism is a vital aspect of my life as a young woman. I relied on new and digital media to expose me to the realities of gender disparity and ignorance and fill in the gaps left by the minimal feminism coverage in schools. It wasn't until i saw people talking, protesting and having educated discourse over issues that remain under wraps in society due to their taboo or uncomfortable nature and the recent developments of exposing sexual assault and crimes, hidden within media industries to the treatment of women in neighbouring societies being spoken about online yet still not in mainstream media makes me think of how although technology is progressing it is merely another tool for conversations we have been having for decades. I believe that recent developments are an extension of the eye opening, empowering movements of third-wave feminism and we have yet to make a leap into a more equal, post-feminist world that many people in western society are privileged to experience however once we remove the rose-tinted glasses, the glass ceiling comes back into perspective and the movements we have to make would not be possible without new technology providing the people without power a voice. 

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