Men's Health
How does the magazine introduce itself?
- 'biggest-selling men's lifestyle magazine, both in the uk and worldwide' with a success built on a 'winning editorial formula' of stunning visuals, wellbeing and lifestyle features with premium content covering watches to nutrition.
What does the introduction suggest about the representation of masculinity in Men's Health's?
- This magazine may depict an elite subcategory of men. A high class, wealthy and fit representation with a superficial focus rather than a subversion into progressive materials that deal with societal changes and other representations of men. It will be a very clear, traditional depiction rather than delving into a new wave of masculinity.
How do the print statistics for Men's Health compare to GQ and Esquire?
- MH have both a higher readership, and circulation than GQ and Esquire
What is the difference between circulation and readership?
- Circulation is the amount of copies printed and readership is the amount of people that read the magazine.
What was the circulation of Men's Health in thousands at the time this Media Pack was published? What about the readership for ABC1 men? AB men?
- 180,000 - with readership of 643,000 [ABC1] and 321,000 [AB]
How do readers generally interact with the digital version of the magazine?
- Mainly by mobile [68%] with 562,000 unique readers and over 1 million monthly page views across 3 devices.
How many people do Men's Health reach across social media platforms?
- 944k on Facebook, 285k on Twitter, and 66k on Instagram.
What is the audience profile for Men's Health readers?
- 905k are ABC1 aged 25-44
- 700k have a degree
- 200k earn over £50k
What is the Men's Health fashion philosophy? How much do Men's Health readers collectively spend on fashion?
- Stylish, Contemporary Wearable, Individual. MH readers spend £1.1bn a year on fashion.
What is the average watch collection value for the Men's Health audience? What do the statistics about watches suggest about the Men's Health audience demographics and psychographics?
- £4,123. It suggests that the audience is wealthy, has a large disposable income, so probably falling around the 30 age mark on average, and probably falls in the Succeeder/Aspirer category.
What percentage of Men's Health readers use moisturiser daily? What does this suggest about Men's Health readers' view of masculinity?
- 73%. They view masculinity as being a gentleman and looking the part, they don't have a resigned view on taking care of your appearance, or assigning grooming as a feminine quality, which is arguably a progressive thought compared to some depictions of masculinity in the media.
What does the media pack suggest regarding the Men's Health audience for fitness and technology?
- MH Readers spend a large amount [£238M] a year on sportswear and 702k engage with new fitness technologies, suggesting the audience is abundant for fitness and technology especially up and coming technologies and sportswear brands.
Men's Health luxe is a series of magazines distributed with Men's Health targeting a specific aspect of the Men's Health audience. What are these three brand extension magazines called and what do they cover?
- Urban Active [High end sports fashion], Synchronised [Watches], Epicure [Food&Drink]
What do the Men's Health luxe magazines suggest about the demographics and psychographics of the Men's Health audience?
- That the readers are of a wealthy background, 25-44 years old and have not only materialistic passions, but also aspire to be better in their lifestyles, such as an explorer, an aspirer or an elitist. They probably have more liberalised views but may vote Conservative and also indulge in sports in their free time and prefer home cooking to fast food.
What additional brand extensions do Men's Health offer?
- Survival of the fittest, Men's Health product range,
What are the global statistics for Men's Health?
- 37 International Editions, published in 60 countries with a global circulation of 4.5 million and a further readership of 26.7 million. They also have a social media footprint of 19.3M.
What does the 2017 calendar editorial specials suggest about the Men's Health audience?
- That they are image conscious and also enjoy being current/trendy with their style choice, the tech they use and having contemporary high class lifestyles.
What audience pleasures are offered by the magazine?
- Surveillance [Articles] , Personal Identity [Reflective of target audience] and Personal Relationships [interviews with sports stars/celebrities].
What lifestyle and job would you expect the average Men's Health reader to have?
- A reputable job, a job with authority however I would also expect them to have a substantial amount of free time and be indulgent in their appearance, so going to the gym regularly, having a 'clean cut' appearance and shopping organically and exploring different diets such as veganism.
Why do you think Men's Health has managed to (just) remain profitable when many other magazines have struggled due to the rise of digital media?
- Our society still implements the strong, hypermasculine narrative onto men. It is a flaw of the patriarchy, which allows Men's Health to stay relevant as the need to fit into ideal body/beauty standards grows exponentially as time goes on. Men are taught to fit into a handful of archetypes in order to 'live their best life' and MH offers a step by step guide consistently on how to achieve this in theory, which is why I believe it has remained profitable, since it's target demographic are still going to be loyal to the publication.
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