"Sailor Moon's" Erasure Of LGBTQ Characters
- The article discusses how the westernised version of 'Sailor Moon' decided to erase canon LGBTQ representation through changing characters genders, familial status and gay-coded scenes to appease western audiences.
- This article offers surveillance as it informs the reader of the media choices regarding children's TV shows, and regulations of the west despite stereotypes concerning conservative behaviour in South East Asia. It also offers validation and aspects of personal identity as it handles conversations regarding gender and sexuality representations in children's television. This conversation is incredibly topical in recent years, with people criticising establishments such as 'Dreamworks' and 'Pixar' for including same sex couples, despite many people arguing this enforces old ideals about the predatory connotation of LGBT relations as seeing healthy LGBT representation could help aid young peoples journey when it comes to identity and sexuality in later life.
- This article aligns with the 'woke politics' of Teen Vogue, as well as their consistent use of their platform to speak out on LGBT issues and the lack of representation of minority groups. It also welcomes the discussion of whether the discussion of the representation of LGBT representation as 'inappropriate' is wholly hypocritical as the condemnation of heterosexual representation in Children's TV rarely occurs within a mainstream realm and the argument should be that they are either equally inappropriate or appropriate, rather than using the platform to enforce hegemonic ideologies of hetero-normative behaviour on children.
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